Whew that's a lot of text. 😃 Diving in...
bobo schriebhey Nate! thanks for your quick response!
the only problem i found with bone creating is editing them, after i placed a bone, why cant i edit its pivot point or origin ?
As Shiu mentioned, use bone and/or image compensation to adjust a bone without affecting child bones or attached images.
-double "root" bone
while using the PS script, and loading the character, i had trouble to animate the character the keyframe buttons where disable, thought its a bug but seems like if u have double root bone by mistake, u cannot animate
You should only ever have a single root bone. How did you get more than one?
the select image "P" select bone is fine, its annoying that by default while the "rename" window pops out its not focused on the text field
The rename dialog selects all the text. The new-slot dialog and existing-or-new-slot dialogs focus the textfield. Did you mean a dialog other than these three? I've changed the new-slot dialog and existing-or-new-slot dialog to select all the text in the textfield.
delete just the bone without deleting the image
You should never need to do this, since you can edit the bone just fine.
- Ordering images [snip]
what i would suggest that if u select "order" in the tree, and then on the stage select an image, you will instantly see it "marked" or highlighted in the order.
It would be awkward to have to first select draw order then an image, just to get it to select the slot under draw order. The way to do it is this: uncheck the image and bone filters at the top of the tree so only slots are shown. Notice "draw order" is gone, this is because you can drag the slots around directly. Now when you select an image in the editor it is selected in the tree. (actually it isn't, but this is a bug I just fixed and will be in the next version :* )
a MUST HAVE feature, is binding for moving image order up or down
missing a "key all" stroke
It's ctrl+L, but should probably be ctrl+K. Ctrl+L keys all transforms for the selected bones. Often you don't want to do this though, as it causes your animations to be a bit robotic. You also want to use as few keys as possible, which is a little more efficient at runtime.
- editing key-frames
its a must have, not being able to select the "diamond" and change its position its really messed up for animators, please add the option, even CTRL + CLICK and then drag it around, also if i select few diamonds key-frames together, add the option that i can "stretch" them together and maintain the timing changed relatively
We could allow dragging the orange diamonds in the timeline with ctrl pressed. For now just use the dopesheet. At the top of the dopesheet is an "overview" row that shows all the keys. Moving keys in this row is identical to moving the orange diamonds.
Click and drag in the dopesheet to make a selection box. Then click and drag the selection box edges to scale the keys. You can also scale them negatively to flip.
if u have tons of parts selecting it from dopeshit is hard! u need to select from up and wait until its select all down..
I think the "overview" row in the dopesheet handles this.
i was not able to "increase" the size of the window (when i go to the upper corner, like in photoshop) when i am on the dope sheet, or even "tear off" to another screen so i could see the whole keys and work (this could be very helpful)
You can drag the "Dopesheet" button up and down to resize the dopesheet. Tearing it off to a new window would be nice but is hard to implement.
- changing body parts on the fly
while u have to add them to the bone and then "click" the little circle at the tree to have them being replace is really slow process
This feature is planned:
https://trello.com/card/slot-image-choo ... c0059d9/45
dunno how hard is it, or if its possible, but maybe add a "SKEW" option, this will make animation 10X more flexible, (like in flash).
Skew is almost free form deformation and is pretty involved. Maybe in the future.
changing keystrokes and shortcuts
Possibly a way to customize shortcuts, but not any time soon.
Thanks for all the feedback! Keep it coming. 🙂 I like the small changes that improve things the most. We've promised a bunch of features in the Kickstarter, so I have to prioritize all of those before I can work on other features. If I didn't do this then the Kickstarter stuff would never get done, or would drag on and on. This means if a suggestion wasn't part of the Kickstarter and isn't something I can do quickly, unfortunately it has to be left for later.