hey Nate! thanks for your quick response!
first of all, sorry for my retarted and bitter post lol, i should have been more informative. and sorry for my bad English π
i have to say it : your program is rock solid, robust, fast, smooth, auto updating, crisp UI and many more!
i think u guys did an amazing job, and where spriter failed (with all the implantation support such as cocos2dx) u guys did stunning job, you are active and do make this thing works! π so i just want to let you know i really appreciate your hard work and i bought your product instantly without even checking if the export work, because i do beilvie it π and love the silky smooth feel of your program. again sorry for being bitter π
i played around a lot with your program,and ill metion the good things and bad things:
1) setup time and process:
- loved the PHOTOSHOP Script! saved tons of time and seems to work good with the jason (did some problem with export, might be PS bug but later it was fixed. (also! maybe put a PIN in the forum so i could get the latest photshop script, there are like 5 running around the forum, dont know which one is the latest, and in your app folder i only have script for illustrator)
but still, setup process is far from being perfect, in fact its really slow, and tedious.
- problem with bone setup and edit.
i went forward with your "all bone approach" and its fine, we just need to set out mind that bone is also a pivot and take it in mind while creating them. the only problem i found with bone creating is editing them, after i placed a bone, why cant i edit its pivot point or origin ? for example i made a full character, parent it and found out the arm bone was too short, and i want to re-position the bone origin in setup mode so the arm will rotate in the right way, i was not able to edit the bone, only "hard painful" deleting it completely from the tree, replace image, recreate bone... took long time: if you could add in with a keystroke. for example pressing the bone (while in setup mode) holding "ALT" will let you "REDRAW" or move around the bone pivot, this will make things very easy to edit.
-double "root" bone
while using the PS script, and loading the character, i had trouble to animate the character the keyframe buttons where disable, thought its a bug but seems like if u have double root bone by mistake, u cannot animate, again editing the tree of bone should be improved and be more easy, deleting bone without deleting image, editing bone pivot, start and end point, and etc....
Parenting process
the select image "P" select bone is fine, its annoying that by default while the "rename" window pops out its not focused on the text field, making you move the mouse to the text field, pressing it, and editing it, while when its pops u can right away time the new name and hit enter (this will save time) also you could improve the way the bone tree is shown, while you want to edit something, delete just the bone without deleting the image, its seems impossible, and u have to delete the bone + image after parent.
Ordering images
its now really slow, and painful. while i tried to find a "trick" to do it faster, i was just pressing randomly on the order tree, and tried to see the "bounding box" on the stage and see which body part i selected and then move it around, while if i choose i body part on the stage i do no have "highlight" on the tree (does not make any sense at all that i have to try and try to catch the right body part, if i don't have naming or i have 300 parts, this could be really annoying. what i would suggest that if u select "order" in the tree, and then on the stage select an image, you will instantly see it "marked" or highlighted in the order. also, a MUST HAVE feature, is binding for moving image order up or down, in Photoshop its CTRL + {} in illustrator its CTRL + up\down and in flash also something like that, this will speed up the order process by 80% ! please add this, the binding combo does not really matter, make something logic, even +- will work π but u have to add this one π)
2). Animation process
-loved the Graph option! the bezier tangets and stuff really usefull!. also loved the new ghosting option! works great π
missing a "key all" stroke : i think it was "K" that should key select the whole pose but seems not to work, "L" only key just one value, its a must that ill be able to press one button and key the whole pose, (like in maya for instance) maybe its a bug, but K don't work for me.
editing key-frames
its a must have, not being able to select the "diamond" and change its position its really messed up for animators, please add the option, even CTRL + CLICK and then drag it around, also if i select few diamonds key-frames together, add the option that i can "stretch" them together and maintain the timing changed relatively (the space between key to key will increase relative to the stretch) also not being able to select all keys is annoying, while i want to select all and see the graph, its not good that the only option is from dopesheet, and dopesheet selection is really bad (if u have tons of part)
dope sheet
its great! love the option to do some overlaps animation and change timing for each part, but!! if u have tons of parts selecting it from dopeshit is hard! u need to select from up and wait until its select all down.. maybe add a "bullet" that if u press on the key its automatic selecting the whole dopsheet keys in the selected timeline area instead of manually wait for the mouse drag to select it all (hope i was clear on this one) being able to select all keyslots at currnet frame will speed up the process. also i was not able to "increase" the size of the window (when i go to the upper corner, like in photoshop) when i am on the dope sheet, or even "tear off" to another screen so i could see the whole keys and work (this could be very helpful)
changing body parts on the fly
while u have to add them to the bone and then "click" the little circle at the tree to have them being replace is really slow process, spriter did it right when they added that u right clicjk the image and u instantly see all the images u have and u can choose which one to replace, this could be more fast and intuitive for the animator if u add something like that.
dunno how hard is it, or if its possible, but maybe add a "SKEW" option, this will make animation 10X more flexible, (like in flash).
changing keystrokes and shortcuts: animators dont like changes, and if they know a program or two its sometimes hard to getting used to it, if u will add the option to have keystrokes similar to other programs, like flash, maya, and ETC... this could be really nice... but its not a must have.
- i have a lot of things to add, but i know its take time... so i just mentioned the important stuff that will make "SPINE" a must have animation tool and improve all the way setup works, since now the major problem is SETUP MODE.
also wanted to say i made a few simple animation, turned to work smooth as hell π and really nice!
will test them soon on cocos2dx π)))
again thank you so much for your listening and being active in the forum and community, u did everything right!!, the only thing need to be fixed fast is just the front end experience with setup mode... and its perfect π)) :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
hope i have been enough informative now π) :love: :$