• Editor
  • About 4.3 beta。Key Constrained

4.3 beta 释放了。
Added Key Constrained hotkey to key constrained values, allowing manual baking of physics.



目前如果有烘焙需求的话、我依旧使用 →

  • Misaki hat auf diesen Beitrag geantwortet.

    在4.3 beta版本中,新增了“Key Constrained”热键功能,允许手动烘焙物理效果。然而,正如你所提到的,这个功能在物理约束上可能会有些限制,因为一旦在时间轴上创建了物理约束的值,它会影响后续的物理效果。为了更好地烘焙物理效果,可能需要启用“确定性”,但这可能会导致一些不理想的结果。你提到的优化建议是非常有意义的,希望未来的版本中能有所改进。

    Voice-of-Shadow Thanks for trying out 4.3-beta so quickly! Your understanding of the current Key Constrained functionality is correct. For this to work, you need to have Deterministic turned on in the physics constraints properties. Currently this is only useful for cases where you want to save the transforms made by the physics constraints and use them as a starting point to remove the physics and recreate the animation manually, not to completely bake the motion from start to finish. Baking to recreate the entire animation created by physics would require a very large number of keys, and the animation would be more demanding than using physics.

    From your previous posts, I'm assuming that the animations you're creating are not something that will play at runtime, but rather animations that will be output in video format or sequence images, is that correct? Perhaps you could use Unity's Timeline extension to define animation sequences and output them as some videos or PNG sequences. With this method, I think it would be possible to play multiple animations in sequence once through the runtime and then save the resulting physics movement as a video or PNG sequence. Check out the post below if you haven't already:
    Blog: 在Unity中使用时间轴扩展合并多个动画

      目前我的工作确实是以输出动画序列为主。“Key Constrained”作为一个动画接续的起始帧确实非常有用。但是有时候在一个动画片段中、想要做更多的效果(比如突然一阵强风)。使用了物理约束的话、创建变换关键帧配合物理约束的参数调整可控性太低了。而如果能直接烘焙中间的值的话、直接调整某一段的曲线会非常有效率。

      然后在这儿顺便提交一个关于 4.3 beta 的 BUG。

      在4.3.01 beta版本中。将“裁切”的点编辑的靠近结束插槽内的部件的话、裁切会影响裁切插槽以上的所有插槽。退回到4.2之后恢复正常。

      • Misaki hat auf diesen Beitrag geantwortet.

        Voice-of-Shadow Thank you for the clarification! We apologize for the inconvenience regarding the clipping attachment. This is a known bug and has now already been fixed internally and the next version to be released will contain the fix. Here is the issue for this: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor874


        Of course, there are cases where it is easier to work with the physics constraints, but there are ways to create convenient controllers, such as using transform constraints, and variations can be easily created using the favor tool in the graph view to create variations. It will probably be some time before we can implement baking for the entire animation, so hopefully we can improve your workflow with the features Spine has now.

        The following video on how to create an effective hair controller using transform constraints is very helpful, but it is only on YouTube, so I apologize if you are unable to watch it:

        I often use the favor tool in Setup mode after creating the hair or cloth movement, and then reduce or increase the change in movement by moving the key values closer or further away from the setup pose.
        You can do something similar with scaling box selected keys, but the center of the box selection is not always the value of the original pose, so the good thing about using Favor is that you can always adjust the amount of the movement based on the setup pose:

        In fact, I often find it easier to manage the animation created with keys than with physics constraints when it comes to making such adjustments. Therefore, I recommend using Key constrained values to store partial poses and adjusting the movement itself using the graph view.