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  • Attchements visible by deafault?

Is there a way to have the attachements visible by default in the Graph view? I prefer to block on 1's and then move the keys in the dopesheet. Problem I run into is I think I've selected everything, I move a bunch of things around the dopesheet and then find that the attachments were not delected and have to undo or clean them up.

  • Misaki hat auf diesen Beitrag geantwortet.
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    BSpark Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to make the Graph view display all timelines by default. I suppose it would be possible to add that setting itself, however, the Graph view was originally intended to be used with the Dopesheet view, so I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to bring both functions closer together.

    Have you tried the Sync button shown in the Dopesheet view?: https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-dopesheet#Sync
    When enabled, the dopesheet shows the rows for the curves that are visible in the graph. This would make it easier to split the operations so that key timing adjustments are made in the Dopesheet view and curve adjustments are made in the Graph view.

    • BSpark hat auf diesen Beitrag geantwortet.

      Misaki I have my Graph and Dopesheet UI stacked so I can easily move back and forth. Thank you for the suggestion.
      I also have the Syncbutton activated. I'm just not sure what the benefit is to not display everything that's keyed when you hit the Spacebar..? It would be a nice feature to add to the settings. Thank you for your help.

      The usefulness of the graph is much reduced when there are many curves visible, since they are often on top of each other. That's why we require an extra click to show everything in the graph. Also attachment keys in the graph are not very interesting to see, since they are just points in time without any vertical component. I know your use case is to move keys, but we have to think about the more typical usage of the graph, which is primary to visualize your curves.

      For an operation to move all your keys, I think the dopesheet is the best choice.

      That said, we could have a hotkey to show everything in the graph. I'm not sure that would be much better for your use case, since it's still an extra action to remember before moving all keys (click or hotkey).