• Offer for cocos2d library

Hi Nate

As you know, I initially liked the Spine tool. I still like it.
Unfortunately I don't like the libs you guys have provided for cocos2d. They simply are sub standard, and no good.
Now. I know you guys are hard pushed for time, and that fact sometimes reflects on the quality of our work.

I have been doing some work for a client, and in that context I wrote a spine library, fully obj-c, and cocos2d compatible. I would like to offer this to you.
You can use it in any way you want. Either as your own code, or as 3.rd party code. Whatever suits you. I will not spill any details. If you choose to provide it as code written by me, I will of course officially support it in the cocos2d forum.

Now. For the tricky part.
Normally I would do this for free, as support to the cocos2d community. However, I honestly would feel a bit silly, providing something for free, that you have been payed for, so while intentionally having no intentions of making money from this, I think it would be fair if you payed me $4000 for the library, which is 1/3 of the initial KS claim for writing libs for Unity, corona and cocos2d.

The lib of course supports the basic stuff from Spine, but apart from that can do a lot of other things. Obviously with full cocos2d support and documentation. I can of course provide you with a more detailed feature list, and a demo if you need.

Let me know what you think


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Hi Birkemose,

Sorry, but I don't have money I can spend on something like this. The Kickstarter did well, but Spine took 9 months for two people to build, full time with no other income. It's now 3 months after the KS, 12 months total. Sales are ok, but we certainly aren't rolling in dough, and the future is questionable. I continue working on Spine full time to get all the KS promises done. That is ok because I like the work, but I'm not getting rich this way or even making what I used to in the enterprise world. Honestly I promised too much in the stretch goals even for the $61k that we got after fees. There are still multiple months of work left, minimum.

Anyway, if I wanted an ObjC runtime I would have to write it myself because I can't afford to hire it out.

The runtimes I have provided are relatively low level, designed to be flexible enough to handle a wide range of use cases.


Birkemose schrieb

Hi Nate

As you know, I initially liked the Spine tool. I still like it.
Unfortunately I don't like the libs you guys have provided for cocos2d. They simply are sub standard, and no good.
Now. I know you guys are hard pushed for time, and that fact sometimes reflects on the quality of our work.

I have been doing some work for a client, and in that context I wrote a spine library, fully obj-c, and cocos2d compatible. I would like to offer this to you.
You can use it in any way you want. Either as your own code, or as 3.rd party code. Whatever suits you. I will not spill any details. If you choose to provide it as code written by me, I will of course officially support it in the cocos2d forum.

Now. For the tricky part.
Normally I would do this for free, as support to the cocos2d community. However, I honestly would feel a bit silly, providing something for free, that you have been payed for, so while intentionally having no intentions of making money from this, I think it would be fair if you payed me $4000 for the library, which is 1/3 of the initial KS claim for writing libs for Unity, corona and cocos2d.

The lib of course supports the basic stuff from Spine, but apart from that can do a lot of other things. Obviously with full cocos2d support and documentation. I can of course provide you with a more detailed feature list, and a demo if you need.

Let me know what you think


22 Tage später

Hi Nate

I wanted to tell you, that I will be taking over cocos2d-iphone after Riq, and try to lead cocos2d-iphone through the next 6 troublesome months.
One of my major points in any update, will be full Spine support through my own API.

I hope you will benefit from that, and that you might even get an idea or two, once it gets public, and just to assure you. At the time I offered you the library, I had no idea that I would be taking over cocos2d, so I was in no way trying to be opportunistic.

As I said, I hope you will benefit from solid Spine support, in any upcoming cocos2d-iphone.


Hi Birkemose,

Congrats on taking over cocos2d-iphone! Best of luck! 🙂

Thanks for the message. That sounds fantastic! I look forward to seeing how your API works. 🙂


Birkemose schrieb

Hi Nate

I wanted to tell you, that I will be taking over cocos2d-iphone after Riq, and try to lead cocos2d-iphone through the next 6 troublesome months.
One of my major points in any update, will be full Spine support through my own API.

I hope you will benefit from that, and that you might even get an idea or two, once it gets public, and just to assure you. At the time I offered you the library, I had no idea that I would be taking over cocos2d, so I was in no way trying to be opportunistic.

As I said, I hope you will benefit from solid Spine support, in any upcoming cocos2d-iphone.
