It's not clear to me from the documentation the distinction between slots/attachments/skins. It seems that they serve similar functions - letting you swap out images without affecting the animation.
Here's what I understand:
Slots: Bones do not have images directly attached to them. Instead you attach SLOTS to bones, and then put images in the slot. A bone can have MANY slots attached, and a slot can have MANY images inside of it, but only ONE image in a given slot can be visible at a time.
Attachments: Is this just another name for slots with images in them representing "attachments"?
Skins: I see in Spine where I can toggle between skins, and it seems that by doing so, I can swap out large groups of images in slots at a time.
So what is the difference between these? Can I keyframe these changes in an animation? In code, can I swap them out?
Here's my use-case: I have a character with interchangable parts for the face - think of the Mr. Potato-Head toy for kids. I have several sets of eyes, several mouths, etc. At runtime, I would like to generate a random combination of these. Which would be the best option for me to use? Skins built at runtime? Slots set up at runtime?