Hi, I have updated the spine runtime 3.6(ver.2017 July 11) and several issues have occurred.
Unity version is 5.6.2f1.
First, when importing spine data into Unity, Unity stops and imported files does not appear in project window.

So, I have to close and reopen Unity. After that, if I look back at the project window, imported files exist.
However the files look like an abnormality. It is possible to use, but it differs from normal file appearance.

Second, Unity stops when I modify and save an imported spine asset.
For example, if I modify scale at a SkeletonDataAsset and click on the project window to move focusing
and save it(ctrl + s), Unity stops.
And if I close and reopen Unity, as in the first case, the file looks abnormal.

These issues also occurs in the example file included in the runtime(3.6), so you can refer to it.
Please check the issues. Thank you.