So I discovered a small but annoying problem while keying my frames since the 3.6 official update.
For example, I key a bone from 0 to 40 with a specific curve. However if i then key something from 40 to 60 (for example) with the same bone, and then play the animation, the animation will play like the curve from 0 to 40 wasn't even there. I have to just touch the curve again for it to take effect once more.
It does the same thing if I also delete a key.
Added gifs example here to show just really how it acts
Here's with my main bone (it controls the core/hip of the character) with the curve working. You can see the character kneels without it looking too jank
Here's what happens when I add a key on the main bone like 10 frames after frame 40. Now it takes longer for the character to kneel down (like the curve is being ignored, despite it being still here as you can see) and you can see the leg not following because of that