I've been quite successfully flagging states to fire different animations, however in this iteration of code my transition animation (such as 'trans_fallToIdle' or 'jump') not playing right! (mostly just don't play)
I do think the problem is my idle animation (idle_1) conflicting anything else to play right, so I do get some transition playing when I just omit the idle animation....
Any tips would be much appreciated!!!
void Update()
actStat = player.moveStat;
#region On ground animations
if (player.onGround)
if (!player.isMoving)
if (!player.isFalling)
if (!player.isJumping)
if (actStat == MoveStat.idleNotCombat)
SetAnim("idle_1", true);
else if (player.isMoving)
if (actStat == MoveStat.walking)
SetAnim("walk", true);
else if (actStat == MoveStat.running)
SetAnim("run", true);
else if (actStat == MoveStat.backWalking)
SetAnim("walk", true);
else if (player.isJumping)
SetAnim("jump", false);
else if (!player.onGround)
if (player.isFalling)
if (player.nearLand)
SetAnim("trans_fallToIdle", false);
else if (!player.nearLand)
SetAnim("fall", true);