we have characters organized by multiple projects where each project is a character standing in different position. In Spine version 2, we exported the json(s), and with texture packer the atlas file of all the projects and it was working fine. The goal is to have multiple Json files, but only one Atlas file.
Images are stored in folders ./Images/, with multiple sub directories.
After update to spine 3, this functionality doesn't seem to work. It loses the complete path of sub directories. (Libgdx runtime)
I took a look in Json, and the structure seems modified.
In version 2 it was exporting something like:
While in version 3 its exporting:
Difference is "Images/PoseUpRight/Standing/Hips" and "Hips"
Project structure:
Can we get any support on this issue? It passed more than a week without any explanation.
Currently we are blocked with our development because of this issue. Version 3 doesn't work and we are unable to rollback to version 2 because spine crashes during opening of the project.