I already posted this in a thread in the runtime forum but thought I would submit this as a bug:
When I add a listener that listens to the Spine COMPLETE Event, somehow there is a massive delay in when the animation is actually completed and the listener "thinks" it's completed, sometimes several seconds between the two things.
It seems to be related to mixing multiple animations on different tracks and I never had any problems with this UNTIL the newest Unity Runtime Update. To replicate:
I add a listener to my script on the start, like this:
void Start() {
skeletonAnimation.state.Complete += AnimationCompleteListener;
void AnimationCompleteListener(Spine.AnimationState state, int trackIndex, int loopCount) {
if (state.ToString().Contains("animation-once")) {
print("this should print when the animation was completed");
and then I set the animations like this:
skeletonAnimation.state.SetAnimation(0, "animation-loop", true);
skeletonAnimation.state.SetAnimation(1, "animation-once", false);
which used to work flawlessly, with the Complete Listener as well, but now it seems to screw up something and has a delay of 1-3 seconds which is really odd.
Any ideas? Is this a known issue or am I doing something stupid?