MattouBatou schriebCorrect me if I'm wrong but I believe the esoteric team have already mentioned elsewhere in the forums about not wanting things on the asset store to rely on Spine's Unity runtime. This is because it is then only usable for those people with Spine. With that in mind, I expect that a "Super Shader Pack" would need a considerable amount of extra work to ensure they can also be used with any Unity prefab without any programming experience required to use them.
I'll be adding some shaders of my own to work with Todd Rivers shader collection within the next few months. When I do, I'll post them here. A Specular shader is something I'll do if someone else doesn't do it first.
I can't correct you, I still haven't read all the forum threads since I only registered yesterday.
I believe if Esoteric released the runtimes as a package in the asset store that would be feasible. Wrappers for other devices (mostly bound to VR) or softwares or runtimes (eg:LeapMotion), are present in the store, so I believe it's possible. I don't know the details so I won't insist. Even if, if the shaders are going to be useful in my project I'd gladly make a donation 🙂
Yes, mantaining a package in the store requires work (I'm mantaining several), but you also get some funding in exchange to keep yourself motivated and the package alive.
I think this is a bit off-topic, I'm not going to reply anymore about this on this thread, mine was simply the wish of an enthusiast 🙂