For the text script, you could use gdx-freetype in libgdx. This is a FreeType wrapper which gives you access to the font metrics and kerning. The easy way to do it is to use FreeTypeFontGenerator
to generate a BitmapFont
from a TTF (or OTF) file at the size you want. Next, GlyphLayout
will tell you where all the glyphs go for a given piece of text. It uses kerning, supports line wrapping, etc. You would output Spine JSON using the information GlyphLayout
provides. It gives glyph positions, UVs, etc. You can then use BitmapFontWriter
in gdx-tools to write all the BitmapFont
glyphs to a single image file. For the best glyph packing when you know all the glyphs ahead of time, I suggest the PixmapPacker.SkylineStrategy
for the FreeTypeFontParameter
you use to generate your font, but I'd get the rest working first.
You'll come to find libgdx is awesome! ๐ BTW, I saw on IRC you were talking about build times. With Java, you can edit code while your app is running and most changes will be hot swapped into your running app. The time this saves is huge, because you don't have to restart your app and get back to the same state just to test a change.
For path animation, we hope to get it in Spine soonish.