Hello everyone !

That's my first animations with Spine, I post it here to have feedback and ideas of improvement :

Tree Idle :

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Tree Wind :

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AquaMonster :

Bye !

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Nice 🙂

Hey Cladil!

Awesome work.
I like the water monster's almost silhouette design.

You might want to off-set the rotation of each of his segments to give him more of a serpent like movement.

Just like Soren shows in his video:



I did a quick test cause I was curious myself....
(I just offset the frames working from the end of the tail to the top.)


Hi, thanks for your feedback.

Awesome your test ArtizensAnimator !

I already tried offset but without result, i must do something wrong, do you have some time to show me what you do ? (Maybe i could send your my project, if you want of course !)

I made an example for you:
The more you offset the more the tail whips around. The trick is: offset keys, key at the frame you want to be the end of the animation, delete keys after that, copy all keys at end of animation to first frame.


I really really appreciated your help, it's perfect !
I have a last question, how can I increase the offset (longer than the animation time) ?

A huge thanks for your answer !

(I'm here actually : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1_XhdRw ... e=youtu.be
I would like a sin movement, increase the effect)

If you want to offset the animation longer than the animation time you can just loop your animation twice before offsetting 🙂

You can offset even further to get more of a sine wave. You can also make move movement to start, before offsetting.

I'm really not sure how to get a sine wave. Anyone have some ideas?

Basically what you already showed will get a sine wave, but the values need to be pretty much spot on, which would be really hard. Only way to get a perfect Sine wave would be to be able to draw curves and constrain bones to that or use math expressions I think

Offsetting doesn't seem to get anything that looks like a sine wave. Give it a try.

you would need to translate the first bone up and down as well. But basically yeah it would give you a sine wave if offset correctly, not easy to do though

Thanks for all your answer ! I'll take a look to make the sine wave with code directly.