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  • [BETA] Greedy Guns

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We (Tio Atum) are very proud to announce that the beta for Greedy Guns is out!!
You can get it on itch.io at

The game was made in Unity and all character animations have been created with Spine.

Looks great!
It's come a long way since your first posts on TIGSource. I specially like how you have vastly improved the shoot feeling compared to the slowish one you had at the beginning.
Top job!

Kikekun schrieb

Looks great!
It's come a long way since your first posts on TIGSource. I specially like how you have vastly improved the shoot feeling compared to the slowish one you had at the beginning.
Top job!

Thank you, it's good to know that our work is being appreciated!!
We have changed the shots effects and feeling a lot but there are more improvements to come!

Great work so far 🙂

I have some concerns for the controller input mappings though! The most glaring one is that it's really awkward to have to take my hand off the aim stick to be able to roll - I feel like Left Bumper is unused so far and woudl be a much better place for it since aiming is such a critical design point in your game.

Mitch schrieb

Great work so far 🙂

I have some concerns for the controller input mappings though! The most glaring one is that it's really awkward to have to take my hand off the aim stick to be able to roll - I feel like Left Bumper is unused so far and woudl be a much better place for it since aiming is such a critical design point in your game.

Thank you! 🙂
Unfortunately the Left Bumper is already assigned to another ability that isn't yet used in this beta. But we are thinking of giving the option for the player to reassign the buttons on the controllers.

Great job! Simple and dynamic gameplay and those swarm of pineapples makes me nervous at the first meeting, remember old Contra time)). :yes: