createzone When I rename something, can't type underbar. I use Japan MacOS, but in English input mode. On another memopad write an underbar, copy that, and paste on spine rename textbox, that is working. Please see this situation, Thank you very much.
Mitch I have no problems with IME JP input on PC or native JP keyboard... Does OSX have specific JP version or is it a language/input setting?
createzone Mitch schriebI have no problems with IME JP input on PC or native JP keyboard... Does OSX have specific JP version or is it a language/input setting? Mitch, Thank you for your reply. When I want to type underbar, use shift + red circle key, you use that too?
Nate There may be a problem with how the input is handled in the library that Spine uses on OS X called GLFW. Maybe the underscore character you are typing is different from the underscore we get on a US keyboard? It may look the same, but if it's a different unicode character then Spine won't be able to render it. If you type underscore in another program, then copy and paste it into Spine and it appear correctly then it seems the problem is with the mapping of your input to the character. What happens when you type it in Spine? Does it show up empty, like a space? Or does nothing happen at all?
createzone Nate schriebThere may be a problem with how the input is handled in the library that Spine uses on OS X called GLFW. Maybe the underscore character you are typing is different from the underscore we get on a US keyboard? It may look the same, but if it's a different unicode character then Spine won't be able to render it. If you type underscore in another program, then copy and paste it into Spine and it appear correctly then it seems the problem is with the mapping of your input to the character. What happens when you type it in Spine? Does it show up empty, like a space? Or does nothing happen at all? Thanks for your reply, Nate. When I type it in spine, does Nothing happen at all.
Mitch My understanding of the japanese underscore is that its a different scancode... I vaguely remember encountering this a long time ago with shift-JIS stuff... umm... I'll post a resource link if I can find one.
Mitch createzone schrieb@[gelöscht] Thanks. I'm waiting. Didn't find anything useful yet 🙁 I messaged one of my coder friends in nihon - will let you know when I hear back.
createzone Mitch schriebDidn't find anything useful yet 🙁 I messaged one of my coder friends in nihon - will let you know when I hear back. Oh, OK. Thanks for your help. I'm wating! Any progress?
Nate We've done most of the work to allow Spine to work with Unicode. This would allow you to type anything you want! What is remaining is to make the font selectable. It's a bit complex because it needs to download the font and use it in the correct places throughout the app. We will get to finishing this in the future, but for now we are focused on v3.