s0lt4r This may belong in the Gamemaker forum, but I figured I'd cast a wide net. When I create a sprite using Spine, and turn the 3d functions on in a room, I each part of the sprite starts to flicker. Is there any way to remedy this?
BlackCapApps I'm using Spine and 3D in GMS and works nice so far. Impossible to help if you just say it doesn't work. Show an example, code, screenshot, process, gmz...
s0lt4r BlackCapApps schriebI'm using Spine and 3D in GMS and works nice so far. Impossible to help if you just say it doesn't work. Show an example, code, screenshot, process, gmz... How do you get around spine sprites flickering? I should clarify that I'm using the perspective view. Should I use Spine sprites with the ortho view?
The7DeadlyVenomz Spine Animations will flicker if the speed is set below .75 or so in a room set to 60.
s0lt4r The issue that I believe is happening, is that each piece of the sprite is being drawn at the same depth. With the normal 2d this would be fine, but since 3d is using a z-buffer, they look like they're flickering.
Søren If you're rendering a Spine skeleton in a 3d environment you could use the draw order information to offset the attachments a tiny amount to combat flickering.
s0lt4r Shiu schrieb Oh, that's sounds like it may work. How do I go about doing that? Is it part of the spine UI or do I have to edit the json file? Thanks again.
Søren I'm no programmer but iterate through the slots and offset each one on the z axis by a tiny amount. You will have to do this at runtime. Spine doesn't have any concept of a Z axis neither do the JSON file.