Hello again!
Sorry that I've been asking so many questions with this frequency lately, but we've been stumbling to quite a few problems on this project.
Lately we've noticed that whenever we get an animation where the sprite images have white/blankspace around, there's a lot of problems after importing in Unity. I assumed it's because during export we're setting the atlas to remove the whitespace (most ideal for perfomance as we all know) and Unity has no way to apply the FFD and translation of sprites properly after that. So we've been needing to go through a lot of animations and fixing all the sprites now, making sure they have no white space 🙁
My programmer tells me though that he thinks Unity should be able to know offset of sprites import despite removing the whitespace though, so he believes this is either a bug or something that we're not doing properly.
Example: Some attachments of a Sprite in Photoshop, with their blank space around:
Loading Image
Loading Image
How the animation looks on Spine:
How it looks in Unity after import:
Any ideas? Much appreciated