Hi Mitch,
I'm having trouble to change the "Default Mix" of my SkeletonData during runtime.
What i'm trying to do is use a different "blend delay" between my animations depending on the situation. For example: If my character is walkng and it needs to fade to Jumping animation, than i want the blend to last for 2 seconds, but if character is falling and need to fade to Jumping animation, than i want the blend to last for 1 second.
The way i found to change this is changing the skeletonAnimation.skeletonDataAsset.defaultMix, i'm doing this just seting it's value, like: skeletonAnimation.skeletonDataAsset.defaultMix = 2.0f.
But doing this i'm experiencing a strange problem: sometimes, when i need it to change between animations, the fade happens instantly. And sometimes, when i want it to fade very quickly, it fade slowly. I'm also debugging the defaultMix's value to see if the value is right, and it is! So, it looks like Spine isn't using the defaultMix to determine the Mix Delay.
My question is, i'm doing the right approach changing the DeafultMix to control the "fade delay" between my animations? Or should I do it in a different way? And if i'm doing it right, than have you any clue about this bug that I mentioned?
I'm really confused here. lol