I'm new to Spine, it seems to be an amazing tool.
I'm working on a pixi.js v8 project and I use TexturePacker 7 to build my atlases.
For optimisation purpose, given I will have a lot of animations, I'd like to pack the images I'm using in the Spine animations with texture packer.
I tried it, and using the @esotericsoftware/spine-pixi-v8 library to instantiate a new Spine object, passing a json atlas id as a parametter to Spine.from()
, and I get the error: this.atlas.findRegion is not a function
I also tried instatiating a Spine object using it's constructor, following the "manual loading" example from the doc
But there too I got an error, as it still only expect a .altas file.
So is it possible to use a json atlas with Spine ? To pack everything under only one json atlas, my static assets as well as my spine assets ?
Or for that matter, since I know TexturePacker can export.atlas file, is it possible to use a .atlas file for my static assets in Pixi ?
Thanks in advance for your help.