I'm used to Spine version 3.8.95 and have to start using 4. I'm using the Curves tab instead of Graph since it's the closest to how curves worked in the previous version, but I noticed that the curves on my keys kept changing when moving things around on the dopesheet:

I set up the curve on the left, and when I move the key to make the animation shorter or longer the curve changes shape, which dramatically changes the speed and behavior of the animation in ways not intended, when I want the curve to always stay the same shape (which is what happened in previous version when you moved the keys) and then adjust for speed/timing later if needed.
I'm not familiar with all version 4 settings and the options on the Curves tab don't seem to relate to that, is there an option or setting to keep the curve from changing/adapting?
Right now I find a curve shape that does the timing I want, then if I have to move keys around later I have to select all keys that had that same curve shape, then change the curve to how it was. Are you supposed to keep saving and loading curve presets?
Thank you in advance for your reply.