Hi everyone !
So we post some photos of the differents conventions we made during the last 2014 quarter. We met a lot of people who played and enjoyed the demo, had great discussion, gave us good feedbacks ! We want to share this experience with the Spine community because we talk a lot about this awesome software and we want to introduce it to many people and indie studio as possible.

Our stand in TGS (Toulouse Game Show) last week end of november. We presented Ilios with a demo on Pc and PsVita, Animation Technics with Spine and Real-time drawing and assets creation with our Artistic Director.

Discussion and support of Paul Cuisset, legendary creator of "Flashback". He is very humble and sweet, he likes a lot our universe ! Very cool moment 🙂

Good moments with Frederic Reynal, creator of "Alone in the Dark". He was amazed by the universe and the graphics of the game. Unfortunately he didn't have much time to stay on the stand but He promised to watch Ilios.

We presented our artbook with design process and research. People are curious and ask lot of questions about bestiary.

A fan create this incredible sculpture. It represents the second boss of Ilios : Charybde.

We explain during conventions how work Spine and how we use it to create animation. We don't hesitate to show differents features and people are stun when they saw FFD. Often people imagine we use 3D for some elements like belly or hammer on the Minotaur.

During convention, in one or two hours, Stefano create some chara-design and research posing for combat. Here we can see a first draft of Artemis, Goddess of Nature and hunt.

We met Kazuma Teshigahara, Senior chara-designer of Street Fighter 4 during a convention in Nantes. A very humble artist who has loved to play Ilios and exchange about our game design, art and game feel. We are honoured to met a personality like him. ありがとうございます

So to finish, the art of our main character : Politès. We had a lot of work to transcribe all his animations from our line test in traditional animation but it's a good challenge ! Thanks to Spine for your incredible software and on a future update, we will show you some animations !