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I am using the Unity runtime for Spine and have run into an issue. Can I please have help with it?
The problem I am having is that, when I set up a Spine skeleton with an instance of the SkeletonMecanim
renderer, it appears that something tries to remove the material on the Mesh Renderer every update, while something else tries to add the material. The result is that the Unity editor's performance drops dramatically, and the Spine sprite quickly alternates between being visible and invisible. In addition, this behavior is present at runtime, so in play mode, the sprite is mostly invisible, but parts of it flicker on the screen. In both the editor and in play mode, I can select the sprite in the Inspector and see the material being added and removed from both the sprite's Game Object and the Mesh Renderer's materials list.
This is a difficult behavior to describe in words, so I took a screen recording. One thing that stands out to me is that this behavior does not start until I add the Animation Controller to the Animator component.
Can I please have help understanding how to resolve this issue?
I am using Unity 2021.3.14f1 and Spine Unity runtime 4.0.49 4.0.0. I don't have the Spine editor myself, but rather am using a package of sprites that I purchased from the Unity asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/4direction-animated-2d-monsters-fantazia-top-down-216312