Another video with just little improvements and pants!, no big changes, this time in HD:
About mobile:
I didn't tried it in mobile but i think what we are seeing in this demo, even with more characters and scenario elements will work without problems in any "60fpsEpicCitadel" device. The impact can be the number of lights you use.
Moving forward:
I need to implement a material and lighting systems for my 2D engine in order to do something more than this demo. I haven't implemented the last Spine features yet like ffd, but I hope to do it at some point, I'm using my own C++ runtime. For sure ffd is 100% compatible with normal mapping, no issue here.
I think that the way to go for Desktop and modern devices (OpenGL ES 3.0) is using Deferred Lighting (with MRT), this way you avoid the performance impact that can appear having a lot of sprites and lights, making a single full screen sprite with all the transformed normals information, plus this is how you can achieve the self-shadow feature described in Sprite Lamp Blog, cause in Spine you use separate sprites, so you need to render those sprites normals to a single texture in order to share the required information to do the self-shadow cast.