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Spine is Spriter2, tons of buzz and bugs, unusable at all.
I was huge fan on the software until i purchased it. It is NOT USABLE and POOR. It crashed every time my artist trying to export animation.
Great idea - pay $55 for feature that waste your time and money. Funny thing - people in Spriter will never release it, they also got $70k on Kickstarter, but at least I can export their files. You have released it but it crashed all the time.
Great work, folks.
Instead of producing BUZZ you should better WORK on recent files feature and drag and drop for quick opening the project.
BTW : we are very happy when we finally can close it after crash, it take about 10 mins for the OS to force quit it. Awesome work, folk. Thanks for you excellence.
Sorry that it's not working for you. In case you weren't aware of it we are constantly updating on Spine to make it more stable, the last couple of weeks Nate has been working hard on improving things on Mac, which has been a major amount of work due to the recent changes Apple made.
Spine is still young and we're working hard on improving it.
With that said what OS are you running on? There are many people using Spine who can export without any problems so we need to know a little more to be able to fix it.
OXS 10.7.5
Browse button is unstable. Backspace button does not work in most controls or hangs the software during export. I you will me your email I will send you crash reports.
This is one of the things we're working hard on improving. OSX has been a real nightmare in general after Java 6 support was dropped. One thing that was mentioned during the coding workshop was a native browser for OSX so it's planned, just can't give you exact details on when.
You can send the crash report to contact@esotericsoftware.com
This is not to take away from morethanever's points, but I wanted to give another perspective. Yes, Spine has bugs and in any other software I'd be more annoyed. Because Spine solves a very difficult problem and without it my app would be dead in the water. I'm on OSX as well and am able to get what I need with some workarounds. So I disagree that it is unusable at all. Basically, I'd rather have Spine with bugs (even serious ones) now than wait until Spine is perfect. Bug fixes are nice too though
morethanever - I think maybe you should stop whining so much. The point of kick starter is to fund a project so that it can be finished. The fact that Spine already runs on 3 platforms and works well on at least 1 is amazing. Give Nate some time to fix the bugs. Until OSX is working well you should try the Win version, it's very stable. Run it in Parallels or some other virtual machine.
Nate, Shiu - don't let this get you down. Even software that's been around forever has serious bugs. The majority of us have found that Spine far exceeds Spriter2 in every way. I thank you for your work.
Linux version is also very stable. morethanever - maybe you could try running Ubuntu in virtual machine for now, until the problems - which are mostly Apple's fault - are fixed?
morethanever, I do understand your frustration, though I think the attitude you have chosen was a poor decision. Bild entfernt wegen fehlender Unterstützung für HTTPS. | Trotzdem zeigen
Fixing the Mac issues has been an enormous amount of work. I can assure you that we aren't just sitting around while you suffer. In fact, you can follow our efforts here for the GLFW wrapper:
And here for the new OpenGL backend:
As you can see, work began a week and a half ago and has been quite intense. Other simpler fixes have been put on hold, and this is the real source of your frustration. We didn't expect this to take so long, but here we are. We now have a new OpenGL backend for Mac based on GLFW instead of LWJGL. It is better, smaller, easier to fix problems that arise, and works on the latest OSX. We hope to deploy it to users as a 1.2.x version today or tomorrow. When that happens there may still be a few issues which we will iron out as we go, but this is the best plan possible so we can put this stuff behind us and actually work on bug fixes and the Kickstarter promises.
morethanever schriebI was huge fan on the software until i purchased it. It is NOT USABLE and POOR. It crashed every time my artist trying to export animation.
Great idea - pay $55 for feature that waste your time and money. Funny thing - people in Spriter will never release it, they also got $70k on Kickstarter, but at least I can export their files. You have released it but it crashed all the time.
Great work, folks.
Instead of producing BUZZ you should better WORK on recent files feature and drag and drop for quick opening the project.
BTW : we are very happy when we finally can close it after crash, it take about 10 mins for the OS to force quit it. Awesome work, folk. Thanks for you excellence.
trollol, rage on or better learn to communicate in a normal, less emotional way pls!
Your post is 'NOT USABLE and POOR' :[
This just isn't true. I am using Spine on the Mac and sure some releases have issues but it hasn't stopped me from using it and making animations.
I work fulltime on a Mac and Spine works great. Let's be understanding people and patient. They have delivered MORE than spriter already.
It's been working perfectly for me for sometime now. Great piece of software, and I'm grateful for Nate and Shiu for sharing it with the community.
I'm surprised so many people are working on macs though, when they are only like 3% of the market. But yeah, if you read the forums, something with the Java version on OSx has already been found out. Since Spine is from a kickstarter, it's nice that it's already so complete, and working perfectly on the majority of common devices.
I'm still waiting to play the double fine adventure from a year ago :-p
I have had no major trouble with Spine so far, although I am using Windows 7.
It is a brilliant piece of work, even with it's flaws.
and I'm sorry some people have had trouble with it, but we mustn't lose our heads.
Then where would we put the icecream?
Nate and Soren are doing an awesome job .
@chrismweb the reason spine has so many mac users is because of the proliferation of iOS developers that spine can be so incredibly useful to
I can only tell that I only have feature problems, which is of course because the team is currently making it happen. Bugs? none so far for me, Windows 7. Unusable? I have my characters currently animated well, now that's usable.
Yeah, using Win7 and no problems so far. Got at last my scenario finished thanks to Spine (as animating trees and other things frame by frame would have took forever).
Great work you guys are doing.
chrismweb schriebI'm surprised so many people are working on macs though, when they are only like 3% of the market.
You need Mac to develop for iOS.
And many people are working on Linux too although it's only like 1-2%.