I am super excited to start using this for my project.
I have some artwork that I am concerned about posting in the forum.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/957 ... s-wind.zip
These are the first few pages of a childrens' book I am working on along with 1 page asset. The book is 20 pages total.
I am using Starling and Feathers to build the pages. Right now I have Dragon Bones doing 1 animation for the flower but its so so.
I think using Spine will give it more life and dynamic behavior.
The image p2-wind.png is one of the more complicate images I want to animate.
I want to give it life with Spine...
- a slow idle bounce
- maybe having the arms/parts seem to waver slightly
Would you be able to provide me some guidance on how to create the bones and/or meshes for this type of pattern?
I realize this is big ask so any advice you can spare will be greatly appreciated!
Here is a youtube preview I did for my design partner. You can get the vibe of a portion of the book and animation so far.
Thanks again Soren
I look forward to working with Spine and your team