I posted about this issue a while ago but still have not found any solution for the matter.
Unreal Engine Version: 4.26.2
Issue: Creating a dynamic material instance and assigning it as the normal blend material gives a visual bug.
Code used:
preBeginPlay Viewport looks:
On BeginPlay Front:
On BeginPlay Back:
Note that I have used the spineboy as defaulted and the dynamic material I'm creating and assigning is any of the following:
If I apply any of the materials I have as a regular material it works; the problem arises only with dynamic materials and I would like to be able to animate those materials over time thus needing them to be dynamic materials.
Feature Request:
I've been trying for a while now to create an outline material for my spine characters but all in vain. I have seen that for Unity, this is a feature. Is this feature going to be added to Unreal as well?
Thank your for your time,
Giuseppe Boschiero