Hey everyone,
When I try to play multiple animations on different tracks, suddenly materials are gone on runtime. So spine object become invisible.
I have a simple test script:
using Spine.Unity;
public class TestSpine : MonoBehaviour
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonData;
public string leftArmAnim = "kol_1";
public string rightArmAnim = "kol_2";
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
private void PlayMultipleTrackAnimation()
skeletonData.state.SetAnimation(0, leftArmAnim, true);
skeletonData.state.SetAnimation(1, rightArmAnim, true);
When I press Play. Multiple Animations plays togetger ( I can see it from the bones in scene view). But spine object becomes invisible because materials are gone.
Note: I tried it with Spine 3.8 (/w Unity 2019.x)and Spine 4.0(/w Unity 2021.x) with different spine animations. No matter what, result is the same...
Thanks for the help.