UPDATE Unity fixed itself somehow after restarting the editor. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: UPDATE
Hi Harald
How can I force this reload button during runtime?

I tried all of these, but the skin doesn't update during runtime :wounded:
_skeletonMecanimUI = GameObject.Find("Character").GetComponent<SkeletonMecanim>();
I tried to clear the skin before setSkin, but no luck either
I was looking through this thread
This doesn't do anything either :think:
If I manually press the Reload button in the editor, the skin changes fine
I tried to look through the SkeletonMecanim.cs file, but couldn't find the actual Reload function
I've udpated to spine-unity 4.0 (updated 2022-02-10, changelog)
Compatible with Spine 4.0.00 or newer and Unity 2017.1-2021.1.
Thanks for the help!