I was confused by and noticed there is a difference in the generated shortcut properties (see attached.) The first one is created (Pin to taskbar) when the launcher is present. This shortcut works on subsequent clicks. The second one is created when spine was launched and then you pin to taskbar. This shortcut does not work on subsequent clicks. Nothing starts at all. However, if you double click on a spine project file, Spine does launch but, I don't trust it as much as I'm not sure which version Windows picked to launch that project with.
I could see this being another solution to add and have users check on this page Spine Troubleshooting Unless it's believed to be a bug. In my head if I see the l launcher and I pin to the taskbar, I would expect that shortcut to then launch the launcher for spine. If I pin to taskbar Spine when already launched, it would always open up Spine without the launcher.
As a developer, I always want the launcher so I make sure to visually confirm what version I'm launching with since I work with many different spine files that require different versions be installed.
Figured I'd pass this along.
I apologize, I mistyped my title, It should read: Windows 10 pinned taskbar shortcut does not launch Spine.