Misaki schriebSorry for the late reply, but our Unity wizard Harri is currently on vacation and will reply next week.
No problem. It's marked for our next sprint and the main change to solve the problem is done, so it's just a matter of getting extra insight if there is any potential problem lurking.
Jamez0r schrieb
I'm not sure about the AssetUtility / re-importing process, but we use .pngs that need to be 4096 (and sometimes even 8192) for pretty much all of our Spine characters. When we initially import them into Unity, the .pngs are set to Max Texture Size 2048 by default, so we have to increase them to the appropriate size (by just selecting the .png in the Project window and changing it in the Inspector).
I believe your Quote about incorrect coordinates is outdated. We have not had any issues.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It gives me more confidence already that it is outdated information. On the test builds I've done so far it has been working correctly. It was just a matter of changing the AssetUtility code to set max size to 4096 so it doesn't clobber over our manually set values during out automated builds.
Mario schriebDo note that texture sizes bigger than 2048x2048 may lead to issues on older or mid-range mobile devices.
Indeed, thanks for the reminder. The vast majority of supported devices should support these larger textures, but to be sure we'll have a fallback, I am most likely going to enable mipmaps generation on the texture, and have a quality settings entry that uses half res textures, and make sure any device we detect doesn't have support for that size texture gets set to that quality before the texture is loaded in. It does increase the build size, but it will also come in handy for reducing memory footprint on low memory devices, and there's still quite a few of those around too.