hi all,
i’m trying to update the Codea implementation of the Lua runtime - basically the current one in the resources link only works with older runtime 2.5 , updating there is one place i’m stuck on - the Codea implementation uses the RegionAttachment and MeshAttachment
but the newest runtime doesn’t have this function anymore, it’s now
computeWorldVertices (bone, worldVertices
in the old function the vertices were part of the RegionAttachment/MeshAttachment self variables and they were returned by the function which are used in Codea to build out it’s mesh
so what is the way to get these vertices now? does this implementation need to be reworked entirely or can i get it to work with just a few changes? the older runtime still works it’s just has a bug i’d like to see if the new ones fixed it
old runtime -
function RegionAttachment:updateWorldVertices (slot, premultipliedAlpha)
local skeleton = slot.bone.skeleton
local skeletonColor = skeleton.color
local slotColor = slot.color
local regionColor = self.color
local alpha = skeletonColor.a * slotColor.a * regionColor.a
local multiplier = alpha
if premultipliedAlpha then multiplier = 1 end
local color = self.tempColor
color:set(skeletonColor.r * slotColor.r * regionColor.r * multiplier,
skeletonColor.g * slotColor.g * regionColor.g * multiplier,
skeletonColor.b * slotColor.b * regionColor.b * multiplier,
local vertices = self.vertices
local offset = self.offset
local bone = slot.bone
local x = bone.worldX
local y = bone.worldY
local a = bone.a
local b = bone.b
local c = bone.c
local d = bone.d
local offsetX = 0
local offsetY = 0
offsetX = offset[OX1]
offsetY = offset[OY1]
vertices[X1] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
vertices[Y1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
vertices[C1R] = color.r
vertices[C1G] = color.g
vertices[C1B] = color.b
vertices[C1A] = color.a
offsetX = offset[OX2]
offsetY = offset[OY2]
vertices[X2] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
vertices[Y2] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
vertices[C2R] = color.r
vertices[C2G] = color.g
vertices[C2B] = color.b
vertices[C2A] = color.a
offsetX = offset[OX3]
offsetY = offset[OY3]
vertices[X3] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
vertices[Y3] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
vertices[C3R] = color.r
vertices[C3G] = color.g
vertices[C3B] = color.b
vertices[C3A] = color.a
offsetX = offset[OX4]
offsetY = offset[OY4]
vertices[X4] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
vertices[Y4] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
vertices[C4R] = color.r
vertices[C4G] = color.g
vertices[C4B] = color.b
vertices[C4A] = color.a
return vertices
new runtime
function RegionAttachment:computeWorldVertices (bone, worldVertices, offset, stride)
offset = offset + 1
local vertexOffset = self.offset
local x = bone.worldX
local y = bone.worldY
local a = bone.a
local b = bone.b
local c = bone.c
local d = bone.d
local offsetX = 0
local offsetY = 0
offsetX = vertexOffset[7]
offsetY = vertexOffset[8]
worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
offset = offset + stride
offsetX = vertexOffset[1]
offsetY = vertexOffset[2]
worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
offset = offset + stride
offsetX = vertexOffset[3]
offsetY = vertexOffset[4]
worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
offset = offset + stride
offsetX = vertexOffset[5]
offsetY = vertexOffset[6]
worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x
worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y
codea implementation
if attachment.type == spine.AttachmentType.region then
texture = attachment.region.renderObject.texture
vertices = attachment:updateWorldVertices(slot, true)
triangles = QUAD_TRIANGLES
elseif attachment.type == spine.AttachmentType.mesh then
texture = attachment.region.renderObject.texture
vertices = attachment:updateWorldVertices(slot, true)
triangles = attachment.triangles
if texture and vertices and triangles then
local faces = {}
local uvs = {}
local colors = {}
local blend_mode = slot.data.blendMode
if blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.additive then blendMode(ADDITIVE)
elseif blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.multiply then blendMode(MULTIPLY)
elseif blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.screen then blendMode(ONE, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR)
else blendMode(NORMAL) end
blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.normal and undefined
triangulate and supply to GPU
for j, id in ipairs(triangles) do
listed in cw order
local pos = id * 8 - 8
local vert = vec2(vertices[pos + 1], vertices[pos + 2])
local uv = vec2(vertices[pos + 3], 1 - vertices[pos + 4])
flip y
local r = vertices[pos + 5] * 255
local g = vertices[pos + 6] * 255
local b = vertices[pos + 7] * 255
local a = vertices[pos + 8] * 255
table.insert(faces, vert)
table.insert(uvs, uv)
table.insert(colors, color(r, g, b, a))
self.mesh.texture = texture
i got this to work with the latest runtime
local texture, triangles, uvs
local vertices = {}
if attachment.type == spine.AttachmentType.region then
texture = attachment.region.renderObject.texture
uvs = attachment.uvs
vertices = attachment:updateWorldVertices(slot, true)
attachment:computeWorldVertices(slot.bone, vertices, 0, 2)
triangles = QUAD_TRIANGLES
elseif attachment.type == spine.AttachmentType.mesh then
texture = attachment.region.renderObject.texture
vertices = attachment:updateWorldVertices(slot, true)
uvs = attachment.uvs
attachment:computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, attachment.worldVerticesLength, vertices, 0, 2)
triangles = attachment.triangles
if texture and vertices and triangles then
local faces = {}
local uvz = {}
local colors = {}
local blend_mode = slot.data.blendMode
if blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.additive then blendMode(ADDITIVE)
elseif blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.multiply then blendMode(MULTIPLY)
elseif blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.screen then blendMode(ONE, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR)
else blendMode(NORMAL) end
blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.normal and undefined
triangulate and supply to GPU
for j, id in ipairs(triangles) do
listed in cw order
print(j, id)
local pos = id * 2 - 2
local vert = vec2(vertices[pos + 1], vertices[pos + 2])
local uv = vec2(uvs[pos + 1], 1 - uvs[pos + 2])
flip y
local r = vertices[pos + 5] * 255
local g = vertices[pos + 6] * 255
local b = vertices[pos + 7] * 255
local a = vertices[pos + 8] * 255
table.insert(faces, vert)
table.insert(uvz, uv)
table.insert(colors, colorL(r, g, b, a))
self.mesh.texture = texture
self.mesh.vertices = faces
basically just had to figure out that vertices are now built from being passed in and the color is no longer part of the values
the bug that i saw is gone with the update BUT i tested out rendering 20 spine boys riding raptors and the performance was sluggish, looks like i’ll stuck to png frames and didn’t need the runtime after all 😐