While investigating a bug in our project, our programmer found something that other people might find interesting. So we decided to share it here:
In our project, we have had to use the override material property provided by the SkeletonGraphic. However in doing so, we saw that UI Masks would no longer work on our UI characters with material override.
Digging into the code, we saw that using the override material, the code will go a whole other way and only provide the brut material to the submesh's CanvasRenderer instead of the default property "materialForRendering", which applies all found IMaterialModifier in the GO. Among them, there is MaskableGraphic, which is the key component that makes the Mask possible.
We don't know if such behavior was intended in the first place. So we added a small line, using submeshGraphics, to get the modified material override before sending it to the canvas renderer, this "fix" is most simplistic however because it will not take into account other IMaterialModifier that may be there.
But nevertheless it solved our Mask issue and though we would share it here, as it may (or may not) solve a discrepency in the SkeletonGraphic.