Nate schriebskarasuko schrieb
Can you explain what you mean by losing your place in the graph? If I want to adjust the curves in a specific range within the Animation, I would box-select the keys in that range and hotkey "Graph Frame". I want that to be an automated function rather than a hotkey.
What would happen when you want to box select keys for any other reason? It would auto frame and that may not be what you want. The auto frame zoom and pan can cause you to lose your place. It's better to frame only when you actually need it, which is generally less often than box selecting. Alt+right mouse drag is also useful.
When adjusting the curve between 2 keys, I think it's not usually necessary to make the curve take up the entire graph.
Perhaps our workflow is pretty different to each other. So far, I can't think of anything in my long-time experience that requires me to keep my graph in place. I always intend to adjust the curves of my highlighted keyframes in the dopesheet, so I can't imagine any inconveniences of losing the previous area of the graph. I figured just toggling the "Auto" button would prevent you from losing the graph zoom, anyways. I did forget to mention, however, that I keep both the dopesheet and graph view up.
The general reason I'm stating my opinions is because the current function of the Auto Zoom might be making it inconvenient for most of us to navigate the keyframes and its curves, since it only zooms the absolute start and end of a bone's keyframe set. It may be better for us to have enough room to see the curve handles (like I said before, I prefer to have constant "snapshots" of each keyframe I work on).
I also have to add. I think it's redundant that the toggle for "Auto" is the exact same function of "Frame" while the keys are highlighted, but then it reverts to its common function. And it has another flaw I've observed, such as a bone's keyframe is set at "30-40", but the zoom includes "0-40".
Hmm.. Auto kicks in when I move a single keyframe or a handle. It should at least be "silent" during focused moments like that.
Is it possible to revive an element of the older graph, as a toggle option? I've read mention of how we want to avoid robotic-looking animations, but specific cases may require that look. We're not always dealing with character animations. If multiple bones need to synchronize with each other, I think we do need the convenience of 3.8 Graph. Bones that have different X, Y, and Rotation directions can't have their handles selected and synchronized appropriately. Also, there are cases when it can be impossible to box select one end of handles.
Especially in cases when a bone moves to a specific Translate coordinate, it can be difficult to align both the X and Y curves to adjust the speed of the action. Attempts to modify the curves can lead to the movement being off the linear trail if that is required (like the animation sample I've uploaded).