Sorry for the late response.
gunspike schriebThere are three major curve graphs I use.
ease-in, ease-out, ease-inout
These are easily achieved in the new graph. By default when you set a Bezier key you get ease in-out. Dragging one handle gives you ease-in, dragging the other gives you ease-out.
gunspike schriebThere is no batch adjustment in the graph.
In 4.0.34-beta we allow selecting multiple handles and moving them all at the same time. Once it is released, please give it a try and let us know if it helps your use cases!
By default box select does not select handles, because you normally want to select keys, not handles. However, in 4.0.34-beta if you hold alt
then box select will select only handles, not keys.
gunspike schriebThis takes several times more time compared to using the existing graph preset.
One reason the presets in the old graph seemed useful is because you couldn't see the value curve. It was giving you a curve, but not a good one!
gunspike schriebThe store's save graph function is also not useful as it is not very different from the undo.
is very different from undo because it allows you to make many changes, then go back and forth between the old and new curves. You can see the old curves while you work on the new curves, which is very useful for replacing an entire curve with one that has fewer keys. Also the favor tool allows you to move keys toward or away from the stored curve.
gunspike schriebAnd because it saves the entire graph, it is inefficient when modifying the graph between keys and keys.
I don't understand, can you explain this in more detail?
Really great stuff there!
gunspike schriebAnd many Korean users are collecting various opinions on the changed Curve Editor.
If you give us your email address, we'd like to collect and deliver feedback later.
You can also just post here on the forum.
4.0.34-beta is now up. I think it addresses many of your concerns! Please let us know how it goes. π