I downloaded atlas unpacker from this link, because i just started spine and i'm using trial version.
(if i recall correctly this is gdx-tools from libgdx)
And when i tried to unpack the packed texture with this tool and the atlas file that are for packed textures i got, it successfully unpack every texture into png files, with corresponding file directory.
Inside my atlas file the first 10 lines can be summarized like,
size: 4096,4096
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
rotate: false
xy: 2748, 1768
size: 80, 124
orig: 80, 124
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
rotate: false
xy: 1444, 3718
size: 194, 59
orig: 194, 59
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
When I unpacked the texture, textures are saved in new folders just fine.
for instance of above atlas file,
ear is saved in (atlas file directory)/human/ear.png
eye is saved in (atlas file directory)/human/eye.png
But i expected the tool to make new atlas file for those lots of unpacked textures, which it didn't.
When I opened the json file again, it won't load the skins because it doesn't have corresponding atlas file for unpacked ones.
In above example, i'm expecting the tool to genereate new atlas like this : (i wrote below one manually just to describe, so this could be wrong in syntax, but you will get what i mean)
size: 80, 124
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
rotate: false
size: 80, 124
orig: 80, 124
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
size: 194, 59
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
rotate: false
size: 194, 59
orig: 194, 59
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
The reason why i'm trying to unpack the packed texture is that, the texture and json and atlas file i got is exported without checking 'include nonessential', so when i import the data, it doesn't show textures, with error 'nonessential unchecked when exporting'.
I think generating new atlas file based on unpacked files will solve this, but i think there could be various solutions to this too.
so my question is, How do i get new atlas file based on unpacked atlas file?
Again, I'm using Spine Trial version, so any premium feature isn't available to me.
Please help me solving this problem.
Thanks in advance.