I just started playing around with SFML in C++, and I purchased an asset bundle that appears to include spine files. I started looking at what spine is, and it seems to be a set of libraries for loading and displaying animations from sprites along with an editor to configure the animations.
When I first started I landed on spine-runtimes/spine-sfml/cpp at 3.8 which said to copy the contents of the spine-cpp and spine-sfml folders into your project, reference the include directory, and run it.
When run as is, it produces the error "Unable to read skeleton file:data/spineboy-pro.json"
When I fix the paths, it produces the error "Error reading attachment: gun"
Obviously, as a programmer I cannot fix the second error. Therefor I installed the Spine Trial editor, and attempted to open the data. The editor seems to not have any problems with any kind of gun attachments, but it certainly doesn't draw properly: all textures are orange blocks that say "Missing."
I'm at a loss for how to continue. Can someone show me some tutorials or forum posts on how to simply load up a combination of .json and .png files such that I can draw and animate some sprites on the screen? Everything in SFML was simple until I discovered that the assets I bought were 'Spine.' Now everything just seems broken.