tjbrunetto I am affected by weather issues at the moment. I can’t work offline because the product can not verify itself. Is there an option to work offline? Tim
Mario Spine works offline for some time if you activate it once. If that doesn't work for you, please send us your spine.log file after starting Spine without an internet connection. You can find the spine.log file as described here: Spine Troubleshooting
tjbrunetto Hi Mario, How do I go about activating my product offline? I currently have no internet connection.
Nate Spine cannot be activated offline, sorry. It needs an internet connection so it can download the update file for the version you want to use. After that, you can run that version offline.
tjbrunetto Hi Nate, So right now I am online and using SPINE. How do I know if the update file for the version I want to use has been downloaded. Does it do that automatically? I used Spine earlier yesterday before the power went out and it was working fine. Do I need to manually download something?
Nate Just running the version you want to use is sufficient to be sure you have that version downloaded. You can look in the updates folder under your Spine user folder to see exactly which update files you have downloaded: Spine Troubleshooting: User files