Hi Harald,
Why are you using URP/Spine/2d/Sprite shaders?
Just so we're on the same page - what I meant if that I selected, 1 by 1, every shader option that seemed remotely likely under each tree.
e.g. Shader>Spine> Blend Modes / Special / Sprite / Skeleton / Skeleton Fill...
Then Shader>Universal Pipeline> 2d / spine / lit / simple lit / unlit....
And then tried changing relevant settings.
What Render Pipeline Asset do you have assigned (Quality settings)?
I'll do my best to answer this one as I haven't got my head around this.
Currently as far as I'm aware - none.
I switched to URP because I couldn't get shadows to work and, supposedly, URP is better + the makers of unity want everyone to use it, right? Plus you can add post effects, which might be nice later. I haven't added any effects yet.
I went to the universalRenderPipelineAsset and set cascades and set the shadow resolution higher. The shadows have improved but how they interact with spine has gotten worse. I only have 1 directional light in the scene no change to settings (soft shadows).

Most likely you want to use the 3D URP shaders, not the 2D URP shaders.
Not 100% sure how to tell from the drop downs if it's 3D or not but as mentioned -feel like I've tried them all.
as you can see from previous post URP/Spine/Sprite/Lit universal is what I'm currently using.
Regarding additive blend mode:
Did you assign the blend mode materials via the SkeletonDataModifier as described here?
No I did not - as you can see in the below, she has a shine on her hip - it's just 1 glowy blob to make her hips look like they swing back and forth a bit more with animation. I works in Shader>Spine/Skeleton and some others.
It's not really a priority considering I can't get shadows to cast on the character so I'm not going to dig into this now.
Would it just be easier to untangle from URP (not 100% sure how to turn it off - unfortunately I work16hr shifts at the moment so have limited time to work on my game 🙁 )

Again I really appreciate your time! Thanks,