Hi there,
I did a quick search and nothing came up, so this might be a new suggestion. If not, feel free to ignore it.
It's about the Skins window. I already suggested having 'skin sets' in the future, but there's another small feature I forgot to add, which would be an option checkbox to enable the full skin path to be visible on the bottom. Right now only the name of the skin is visible.
Consider this structure...:

The folder structure Female > Hair > Eyebrow is already descriptive enough to just use "Blonde1", "Blonde2", etc., for the skins, but if I do, only the color will be visible on the bottom without any clue that it refers to the eyebrow.
The hair is a similar case. I have 20 hairstyles with 31 color folders each.
I could pass on naming the skins <hairstyle_code + color_code> and just use the hairstyle code, as the parent folder already describes the color, but if I do I'll end up with just "HS02", without knowing the color.
So, my suggestion would be to add an options popup button, like in Tree...

...and put a "Show full skin path" checkbox there.
NOT a big deal by any means, but I guess this wouldn't conflict with anything and would add some value for the editor.
Thanks for your time, as always.