Hello Marek,
Sure, guides should help aligning in the future.
Regarding canvas information, consider the units in the editor are pixels. The Spine editor expands from the origin point and it doesn't have limits so there can't be canvas and corner information. On export you can define the portion to export and its size:
Export - Spine User Guide
If you find PS tools to be more useful for planning your scene, you can create your setup in there, and se the [bone]
tag to create a bone centered on the first layer inside the folder named with this tag. This may be a great help for your case. I guess 2x2 pixel images may be great to help with the placement. (with odd numbers, I think the bone would be placed at 0.5
instead of a round number in Spine)
Regarding switchable Local and Global, you can already do this with the axes: Tools - Spine User Guide: Axes
Unless you mean something different, in which case I need more context.
I hope the PS script solution will work for you! The script has become quite powerful. Make sure to get the latest version and read the complete list of available tags here:
spine-scripts/photoshop at master · EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts