Hello Erika, π
I realize my problem is not easy to describe so I photoshoped my setup really quick :

So, basically I want to have different sets of animations based on what weapon type is used. With different weapons of these types it becomes very difficult to display/disappear them properly.
Exemple : if I want to play heavy attack 1, without slot visibility key I would have to uncheck all attachments on first frame ? Then I can I display the right heavy weapon ?
My thoughts were Unity side, quite simply :
What is player weapon ?
(1) -> quick or heavy ?
slot visibility choice
(2) -> weapon Name ?
attachment in appropriate slot defined on (1)
If this issue is to "runtime oriented" tell me if I need to repost in another forum section π
You righ-click on bone tips would be a lifesaver it was keyable and not just editor feature :p