I have one spine with 2 skins, referencing an image folder.
For some good reasons, I have to export the skeleton together with the atlas, and then export the texture separately from the image folder, without the skeleton.
So I am expecting the texture packer to work exactly in the same way when I export the skeleton (generating the .atlas file), and when I export the image folder for packing only (generating another .atlas and the texture, which should be the same).
Everything works well when there is no skin.
When there is a skin, though, for some reason I find that for some spines the image slots related to the skin are swapped around in the atlas when exported from the image folder.
For example, I have "body" for the normal skin and "body_alt" for the alternative skin, and those 2 images are swapped around in the atlas when I pack with -p from an image folder, compared to when I pack with -e from the skeleton.
How is this possible?
Note: All images in the folder are referenced by the skeleton, there aren't any unused images.