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  • Major League Wizardry - card animations

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Major League Wizardry is a trading card game designed especially with tablets in mind, but also made available for phones, PC and Mac.

UPDATE! Beta now available

The beta is now open! Download the game at http://www.mlwcards.com

The alpha trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=41V90sMFlgE

Homepage: www.mlwcards.com

IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/major-league-wizardry

Major League Wizardry is a turn-based and free to play trading card game, where wizards battle in the arena to climb the ranks. The wizards are regarded as stars with cheerleaders, fans, coaches, etc. As a player you collect and trade cards, build your decks and level up your monsters. The game is asynchronous meaning that you send your turn to the opposing player, and can have more games running at the same time. Its simple, fast paced and easy to learn, yet allowing for strategic moves and card combinations.

We are moving towards a beta release where we will have animated cards - meaning that when you play a card to the field, it will be displayed as a monster instead of the card. There will be a range of animations associated with each monster. Below are given some examples of the always annoying Fire Elemental and popping Firepup.

Fire Elemental

Idle Animation:

Attack Animation:


Idle Animation:

Attack Animation:

Feedback and comments are very much appreciated! We will update with more as we move along 🙂

Related Discussions
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Very cool! The game idea, art, and animations are all great! 🙂

17 Tage später

Looks great man! I really wanna see how looks the games with all the creatures animated!

Not my kind of game at all, but that is some sweet artwork! 🙂

JuanluGC schrieb

Looks great man! I really wanna see how looks the games with all the creatures animated!

Thanks! We'll be posting a video very soon 🙂 (btw, Trashman looks so awesome!)

DoobyDude schrieb

Not my kind of game at all, but that is some sweet artwork! 🙂

Thank you so much 🙂

10 Tage später

Some more animated monsters 🙂

The lazy Phoenix - he knows he is going to resurrect, so why even bother?
Idle and Hit animation

Alex - can sneak past the defenses and traps!
Idle and Attack animation

6 Tage später

More animations from the upcoming Major League Wizardry

Otzi the Caveman - stiff joints comes with age...
Attack and hit animation

Looks great 😃
Small note, "any where" is one word, so "anywhere" 🙂

Shiu schrieb

Looks great 😃
Small note, "any where" is one word, so "anywhere" 🙂

Ah thanks for the heads-up. We definitely needs to do a proofreading or two before we release!

But glad you like the animations 🙂

6 Tage später

Another superb animations! Great work!

I tried to play the demo that you have in your website but doesn't work 🙁.I read in your indieDB site that is because you're in the close beta phase . Can you give to me a close beta key??? I really love this kind of games!

ein Monat später

We're doing the closed beta starting next week. Feel free to grab one of the codes below and go to http://beta.mlwcards.com and sign up.

  • W6NQKR6M

And of course - here are Sparky and Gorgon Zola!

Hi again, guys!

Here is our newest addition to the MLW family - the Toxic Dart Pygmy:

And in other news:

We hit Closed Beta this Wednesday December 18th. If you want to get in you can either use one of the keys below and sign up at http://beta.mlwcards.com


Or you can become a member of the Evolve community at http://www.evolvehq.com - Evolve is an awesome social gaming platform that makes gaming so much more fun! All members of the Evolve community will be invited in to the closed beta as well! Hope that you guys here in the Spine community will check out the game - at least to see how we used spine in our game 🙂

See you in the arena!

23 Tage später

Would be great to see you post about your Finished Games on the thread and explain even more about how you used Spine and how it helped you!


9 Tage später

Definitely will do that 😉

13 Tage später

The beta is now open! Download the game at http://www.mlwcards.com

And a big... no huge, THANKS! to Nate and Søren for their incredible Spine tool! This tool made it SO much easier for us to develop an awesome user experience! Keep up the good work guys 🙂

It's been a while since we've updated this post with new animations, but basically we got a ton of new animations made with Spine - here's one of them. See you in the arena!

7 Tage später

Sorry for the delay, I don't have much free time! :angry: Got a chance to play it and give some feedback.

Download was a bit large. You have a whole JRE in there? So does Spine, and the Spine download is only 15MB. 🙂 I wrote this:

After the download, it updated 50MB, twice. This isn't too big of a deal, but if you could do it in one update that would be better. You want to lower the bar to play your game as much as possible.

Game runs! Boom

I have to create an account to do anything. There are two text fields with no labels which is a bit confusing. Ok, I have to click Sign Up and I fill it out, done... and I'm back to the first sign in screen. I try to log in but put my email instead of my username, ok try some more times and I'm in.

You want people to get into your game with as much ease as possible. 99% of users running your game will need to create an account first, so why not make that the default? Make it clear, fast and easy. When they create an account, log them in right away, no need for them to need to type what they just typed again.

I'm in the game! Do I want to take a tutorial? Sure. The tutorial is nice, it gets me playing cards quickly. I have trouble reading the cards in my hand though. I thought I had to click and hold to read them. It was much later before I figured out that double click gives a fullscreen preview of the card. Even when I do that, I keep thinking to double click again to get rid of the preview, which doesn't. 🙂 Looking at your cards is very common in the beginning. Maybe click and hold would be better to show the preview? Then when dragged (use a tap square), the card would shrink to the mouse position. Actually I just found that right click shows the preview! This should be in the tutorial. Maybe it was, there was once where I clicked twice too fast and accidentally skipped one dialog box. Should definitely make that impossible, eg delay showing the next button for 0.5-1s, especially if showing it in the same position as the last button. Anyway, IMO right click should show the preview on mouse down and hide it on mouse up. This should be much more convenient. I guess double click is for mobile? Makes sense, though right click is sooo much better on desktop. I found I can double click multiple cards, but this does not seem useful at all.

Aaaanyway, I get to the free play part, cast some monsters and attack some things. I don't pay too much attention to my monsters abilities when I cast them, so once they are out I don't actually know what they do. Later I figure out right click and double click show the card, so that helps, but initially I was confused.

I had this happen:

Bild entfernt wegen fehlender Unterstützung für HTTPS. | Trotzdem zeigen

First that is a flame demon, not a dummy, and second I thought my monsters didn't have summoning sickness (yeah, I play MTG... ask me about all the MTG software I've written...)?

Fireball does not shoot a fireball across the screen? It must!

Ok, so I exit the tutorial. Something (as a true user, I hardly read anything) says build a deck and then fight real people. Ok, so I click my wizzard (you should spell it that way throughout the app if you are a Terry Pratchett / Discworld fan, and if you are not then you must read The Color of Magic right now, but do not watch the movie, ever) and I click build deck like something told me. I don't know what is going on and I have the expectation that I need to build my deck, so I drag some cards from the bottom to the top, all the while thinking man, I wish they gave me a default deck so I don't have to do this. After a while I saw the x/40 was going down and that is when I guessed I was actually unmaking my deck! Ack!

I leave the deck builder and go back to the tutorial real quick to make sure my deck is ok, exit tutorial, then I get a dim screen with a MLW logo. Can't click anything, nothing tells me what is going on. After a while:

Bild entfernt wegen fehlender Unterstützung für HTTPS. | Trotzdem zeigen

I guess it was hitting the server, though strange it would need to when I just exist. Could use some text so I know what is happening, and an animated wait something so I know it isn't hung.

Now I go to new game, I pick AI because I don't know WTF I'm doing yet, I have to pick a wizzard (even though I only have one), BATTLE! I've got junk, opponent casts some things as I pass a couple turns. He casts electric fence which goes away before I can read it all, good thing that tutorial taught me that I can right click! 😉 Sometimes the opponent casts like 5 things and I can't read them. Unlike monsters, they are gone and I don't know what happened! Maybe I could click it to have more time? I had Backfire out and my opponent triggered it, then he cast about 4 cards while my Backfire was on top, so I had no idea what was going on! In the end I won by casting uh something that doubles fire damage to a monster on his Battery thing, then killing the Battery which killed the wizzard. 😃 I tried to cast 2 double fire things but he countered the second with a trap. Does it stack? Would that have done 4x monster fire damage?

It seems I can only attack the wizzard if I have more monsters then they do?

Your UI is very slick! Overall the app is very well polished, very nice. I like your animations, though sometimes I feel like they should be a lot more over the top and exaggerated, especially the more powerful monsters. I like the gameplay, obviously there are similarities to MTG. Though simplified, I think there can be some nice strategies and it could be quite fun to build decks, collect cards, etc. You have an obvious way to do IAP, ie booster packs. You MUST include the booster pack unwrapping sound. Make a big deal out of getting new cards, it's exciting for the players and can be $addicting$. You have a lot of potential in your app, especially with the mobile market where it is much easier to get started playing (I assume, make it easy!). Keep up the good work! How are things going so far?

Do you use Feedback Friday on Reddit? Might give it a shot.

Hi Nate

Thank you so much for a really in depth and awesome feedback 🙂

I can only agree to about everything that you mention!! Next up for us right now is the login/signup process as you mention. We will also be doing an overhaul of the tutorial which right now has two critical errors: 1. we don't tell people that you can look at your cards in your hand or the monsters in play by either double click or right click.

Thanks for the JRE link which is actually exactly what we also did, but we might want to do it again and see if there's more to be deleted 😉 We're also looking into and have ideas for how to make these downloads smaller 🙂

Deck Builder has also seen some slight changes, but were looking into how to make it more obvious what is what in there 🙂 (you're far from the first to think that your deck is empty)

Fireball does not shoot a fireball across the screen? It must!

Of course!! We have a lot of stuff planned for the UI and spell animations are way up high on the priority list! If only we had more time ... 🙂

"Read timed out" - yea... we need to get better communications! But you must've run into a server blackout right there...

I had Backfire out and my opponent triggered it, then he cast about 4 cards while my Backfire was on top, so I had no idea what was going on!

Yea, we'll get a major rework of the UI shortly and these things (together with spell animations) will be added. In general we need much better feedback for the user, but we're constantly learning and improving 🙂

In the end I won by casting uh something that doubles fire damage to a monster on his Battery thing, then killing the Battery which killed the wizzard. 😃 I tried to cast 2 double fire things but he countered the second with a trap. Does it stack? Would that have done 4x monster fire damage?

Haha awesome win! 🙂 Well it does stack, but we're having problems with the math behind it right now, so it doesn't double again, but more adds the same attack damage again (if that makes sense)

It seems I can only attack the wizzard if I have more monsters then they do?

You can only attack the wizard if he doesn't have any monsters in front of him who aren't either Warming Up or Disabled - they need to be ready in order to defend 🙂

Your UI is very slick! Overall the app is very well polished, very nice. I like your animations, though sometimes I feel like they should be a lot more over the top and exaggerated, especially the more powerful monsters. I like the gameplay, obviously there are similarities to MTG. Though simplified, I think there can be some nice strategies and it could be quite fun to build decks, collect cards, etc. You have an obvious way to do IAP, ie booster packs. You MUST include the booster pack unwrapping sound. Make a big deal out of getting new cards, it's exciting for the players and can be $addicting$. You have a lot of potential in your app, especially with the mobile market where it is much easier to get started playing (I assume, make it easy!). Keep up the good work! How are things going so far?

Thank you so much! And yes booster packs as IAP will of course be available and yes, we are very much looking into how we can recreate the smell of a freshly opened booster pack digitally 😉 Things are going great! We're getting tremendous feedback and people are really enjoying the game, but as you also experienced, there is still room for improvement! But we're just glad to have it out there and seeing people interact and have fun with it!

Again, thanks you so much for your thoughts and first impressions and suggestions! Really appreciate it! And once again, thank you so much for bringing us Spine (and libGDX)!!!

Talk to you soon!

Cool, glad to hear you are working on it. I think it has tons of potential!

You could take the JRE in the Spine download. It's OpenJDK. I ripped things out and tested the app to see if it broke anything. I took out quite a bit.

Have you looked at MTGO? I assume you are a MTG fan.

Here's my MTG deck builder (first thread has download):
It's Java-based, an in-memory database and a slick UI for building decks from a pool of 10k cards. Probably not a lot for you to use in your game, just sharing nerdy stuff. 🙂

Here's my MTG card generator:
It's PHP-based, it creates high resolution card images from a decklist, suitable for printing. The idea is to build a deck, print the cards, cut them (I have a die cutter in storage 😃) and put them into sleeves so you can play the game without exorbitant card costs.