I'm running into a weird issue when using extreme values in the graph editor in my spine animations. The easing sometimes seems to not be being used, and instead it's just defaulting to use a linear easing instead. Seems if i reduce the strength of the easing, the issue resolves - and also it only seems to be on certain animations which is causing it, but when the issue does happen it's reproducible 100% of the time.
Below I'm showing a few images of the easing being used, the expected result and actual result in a test scenario.
Ease applied in spine:

Expected output as seen through spine app:

Link: https://gyazo.com/010754e8cdf2dd2c0d2d4968b793a55b
Actual output as seen through outputted file:

Link: https://gyazo.com/f208ce5899f1c27cda1f2722e2c2f512
After doing some digging, I've noticed that on these situations, the curve property exported in the .json is set to 0, instead of a proper curve value - which i think is meaning it's using a linear ease instead. Below you can see two files, one with an extreme curve in the graph editor, and one with a more subtle curve:


My idea is that one of the curve values is so steep it's becoming 1, or 0, which is causing something to think it's a linear curve instead. For reference, we're using spine on webgl applications, specifically in PIXI using the pixi-spine library to render the output, but i think this issue will be seen everywhere if the condition is met.