Hi! I'm trying to downgrade a json from 3.8.99 to 3.7 and having issues. I'm an animator, so I'm struggling with these kind of things.
I exported the .json with Nonessential data checked (and everything else unchecked).
I downloaded the Skeleton Viewer 4.0.54-beta from this site: and put it into a folder on my desktop named "json" together with the .json I need downgraded.
I downloaded and installed the most recent Java version (Version 8 Update 281 Build 1.8.0_281-b09). I also checked, there is only one installed and it's version 8.
Then I ran this command:
java -cp "C:\Users\kerst\Desktop\json\skeletonViewer-beta.jar" com.esotericsoftware.spine.JsonRollback "C:\Users\kerst\Desktop\json\MainChara.json" "3.7" "C:\Users\kerst\Desktop\json\MainChara-2.json"
But I'm getting the attached error. What does it mean?
EDIT: I found the issue! I had the wrong Java version. I downloaded regular old java from, but the correct one is the Java Development Kit you can find here: . You need to install it, reboot and then it should work.