Hi Erikari, your zip link works, that is fine. We see your use case but we are not able to use this special 8 directional. We have much more complex setup than just 8 directions. We have special poses which simply do not fit into simple one skeleton rotation.
So for movie like work with characters the way to go is through skins where each skin has completely different skeleton ( bones )and attachment structure. I have tested if two skins with different bones in each of them can share one animation and found out that yes we can have one animation that controls bones even from inactive skin. Which is great and we are able to animate two skins exactly that way we need them to swap. That sort of freedom is not possible with your setup.
Anyway I really don't see anything even from that link that Nate shared as issues that with the current state of skinning is preventing to have that keying skin feature implemented.
As I said we will do it exactly as we would do it if you have that feature. I create one animation. That animation will control skin A and will try to get its bones rotations and position as close to the other skin B I need to transition to. That other skin B at the same time and controlled by the same animation will try to meet skin A as close as possible with bones rotations and position. When we get into that point we simple swap ( event - in unity I will swap the skin now ) and that new skin continues the animation to its more natural ( setup ) state. This way we are not constrained only to narrow 8 directional use case but we have freedom to do with our characters full movie shooting.
Hope that it makes sense. Please let me know your thoughts.
PS : Just want to add that we already see it working just right now in the middle of that "animation" we will call event with skin name and in Unity we will catch that event and swap for that new skin. Which is like a lot of clicking instead of having one key swap skin frame. :-) You would save us a lot of time with this feature. ;-)