eprime ver. 3.7 please, can you try XNA?, it's upside down I use FNA which is an awesome XNA porting, and it has the same flip problem to fix it I must scale a negative value or set flipy=true? it is not posiibile to fix runtime? thank you
Nate In spine-csharp's Bone class, you can set Bone.yDown = true; if your game toolkit uses positive Y for the down direction.
eprime Nate schriebIn spine-csharp's Bone class, you can set Bone.yDown = true; if your game toolkit uses positive Y for the down direction. line 42? static public bool yDown; spine-runtimes/Bone.cs at 3.7 can't work, yDown it is never used, How do I do? In spine-xna under SkeletonRenderer there is Bone.yDown=true; but it is useless because yDown in spine-csharp it is never used Line 74 of spine-runtimes/SkeletonRenderer.cs at 3.7 maybe you have deleted the code by mistake?
Nate Ah, it was a bug in 3.7, it has been fixed in 3.8: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/commit/73fc7867d83799a1c1f091a6685a88a9e5718516
eprime Good! but if I use 3.8 files I can not open the 3.7 spine project. do you know when they will be released? ok I have mannually copied only the necessary changes, now it works right :-)
Nate 3.8 is beta, but you can use it now: Settings - Spine User Guide: Version 3.8 will be released soon! Note you'll need to re-export your data using 3.8.