Hey there, I've been trying to export a photoshop file with no avail. I downloaded the Photoshop To Spine script from here: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts/tree/master/photoshop, and I made sure it saved as a script and not the webpage.
I first tried it with CS6, I kept getting "error 22". I checked out these forums as well as Adobe forums for answers and for some reason this seemed to be a common problem for CS5, not CS6. I still tried the suggested methods of fixing it (running as administrator, clearing preferences) but I kept getting error 22.
I decided maybe it was because I don't have the most recent version of photoshop, so I downloaded the trial version of CC 2018. I re-downloaded the script and moved it to the script folder and now I get "error 23". This new one I can't seem to find ANY info on. It looks like it might be a login issue with adobe?

I tried again to restart my computer and try it again with a fresh photoshop to spine download. When I tried to change the download location to the photoshop scripts folder, the download failed- citing only "insufficient permissions".
I am at my wit's end and I'm ready to just give up.