abandon Add the sources from spine-c/spine-c/src/spine and spine-cocos2d-objc/src/spine to your project then cmd+b failed,just like the image. 按文档要求拖入 spine-c的文件和 spine-cocos2d-objc中的相关文件,然后编译报错,如图。卡好久了
Mario 您缺少项目中的src / spine / spine-cocos2d-objc.m文件。 它包含这些函数的实现。 您必须在项目中包含此文件夹中的所有文件:https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/tree/3.7/spine-cocos2d-objc/src/spine You are missing the file src/spine/spine-cocos2d-objc.m in your project. It contains the implementations of these functions. You will have to include all the files from this folder in your project: spine-runtimes/spine-cocos2d-objc/src/spine at 3.7
abandon 在ARC文件中不是需要将.m文件移除嘛,我是按照redme文件中来的,不移除的话.m文件中也会有很多的报错 In the ARC file, it is necessary to remove the.m file. I followed the redme file, otherwise there will be many errors in the.m file